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The Ovilus used by metaphysical ghost hunters

Laser Grids

 Laser grids used on ghost hunts

Mel Meter

Mel Meter EMF with Probe, Light and Thermometer

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3D Cameras

A 3D camera for ghost hunting

EMF Meter

EMF meters are popular tools for ghost hunters

Digital Recorder

Document EVPs on ghost hunts with this digital recorder

DVR Flashlights

 DVR Flashlights for ghost hunting

Digital Thermometer

Digital thermometer for catching cold spots

4 Lens Cameras

Four lens cameras for ghost hunting

Ultra Violet Light

 Ultraviolet lights and ghost hunting

Laser Pointers

Laser pointers for ghost hunting and UFO investigations

Night Vision

Night vision goggles are great for ghost hunters

Sonic Distance Meters

A sonic distance meter for ghost hunting

3D Camcorders

3D camcorders are perfect for ghost hunters

First Aid Kit

First aid kit used on ghost hunts



A good utility knife for ghost hunting


A safety rope can be useful on ghost hunts

Natural Electromagnetic


The natural electromagnnetic field meter by Trifield

Tape Measures

Tape measures for measuring ghost investigation scene

Audio Analyzing Software

Audio analyzing softwaare for ghost hunting EVPs

Surveyors Rope

A surveyors rope for ghost hunting


Spot lights are very handy on ghost hunts


Radios used between ghost hunters

35mm Camera

35mm cameras are great ghost hunting tools



Ghost hunting requires many batteries

UV Light

 UV lights used on ghost hunts

Polaroid Cameras

Polaroid cameras and ghost hunting

8 Lens Cameras

Eight lens cameras for ghost hunting

9 Lens Camera

A nine lens camera used on ghost hunts

SLR Camera

SLR cameras get great photos on ghost hunts

Digital Camera

Digital cameras save ghost hunters money

Holographic Camera Systems

Holographic film and cameras for ghost hunting

35mm Film

35mm film is important to understand for ghost hunters

Resource Books

Resource books are important to every ghost hunt


Lighters and candles can be handy for ghost hunting

Software Downloads

Ghost hunting software downloads

Instant Cameras

Instant cameras work great for ghost hunting

Waterproof Cameras

Water proof cameras for lake monster investigations

VHS Video Recorder System

VHS video cameras still work for ghost hunting


S-VHS-C Video

Recorder System

SVHSC video cameras are better still for ghost hunting

Hi8 Video Recorder System

Hi8 video cameras still work great for ghost hunting

VHS-C Video

Recorder System

VHSC recorder system for ghost hunting

Video Cameras

Video cameras are important for ghost hunting

HD Digital Camcorders

HD digital camcorders are best for ghost hunting

Digital Video Recorder System

Ghost hunting with digital camcorders is ideal

Closed Circuit

Camera System

Closed Circuit Camera System for ghost hunting


Ghost hunting CCTV system


Camcorder used for hunting ghosts


VCR used for ghost hunting

Video Splitter

Video spliiter used for documenting ghost hunts

Baby Monitors

Baby monitors that can be used for ghost hunting

Microcassette Recorder

Microcassette recorders used on ghost hunts

Digital Micro Recorder

Digital microrecorders for EVP research

Flashlight DVR

Flashlight DVRs for ghost hunters

Digital Voice Recorder

Digital voice recorder for ghost hunting

External Microphone

External microphone for ghost hunting and EVPs

Measuring Wheels

A measuring wheel for measuring longer distances



Spares of everything are needed for ghost hunting


Timepieces of some sort are curicial for ghost hunting

Tape Recorder

Tape recorders were once used for EVPs

Sealable Bag

Sealable bag for collecting evidence on ghost hunts


Microscope for analyzing data collected on ghost hunts

Miniature Microscope

Miniature microscope used while ghost hunting in the field


Pen and paper for recording data on ghost hunts

Written Documentation

Written documention for a ghost hunter's log


Steralized container for cryptozoological evidence

Equipment Cases

Ghost Hunting Gear Equipment Cases's


Ghost Hunters

Christmas Gift List



Identification to have while ghost hunting

Digital Hygrometer

Digtial hygrometers for haunted house investigations

Infrared Thermometer

Infrared thermometer for documenting temperature oddities

Black Light

Black lights used on ghost hunts


Barometer for ghost hunting documentation

Thermal Imaging Camera

Thermal imaging is the best ghost hunting gear


Barometers used for ghost hunting


 Map of ghost hunting location


Spectrometers for ghost hunting or UFOlogists

Dowsing Rods

Dowsing rods used on metaphysical ghost hunts

Black Mirrors

Black mirrors used for scrying on ghost hunts

Black Bowls

Black bowls used on metaphysical ghost hunts

Scrying Equipment

Metaphysical ghost hunters use scrying equipment


Pendulums used while ghost hunting by psychics

GSR Sensors

GSR sensors used by paranormal investigators

Galvanic Skin Response Testers

Paranormal investigators use galvanic skin response testors

Bio Feedback

Paranormal investigations monitor bio feedback's


Ghost Hunters

Gift List 2012

Frank's Box

A type of EVP machine used by ghost hunters


Compasses can be useful for ghost hunting

ElectroMagnetic Field Meter

Electromagnetic field meter for ghost hunting

Distance Meters

Distance meters makes ghost hunting efficient


Magnometers used by scientific paranormal investigators

Electrostatic Field Meter

Electrostatic field meters used by paranormal investigators

Geiger Counter

Geiger counters used on paranormal investigations

Don't forget to visit our HUGE

Ghost Hunting Articles


Vibration Sensor

Mel Meter with Vibration Sensor for sale


Flashlights for ghost hunters are important

S-VHS Video Recorder System

A ghost hunters svhs video camera


Anemometers used on ghost hunts

Microwave Meter

The microwave meter used on crop circle investigations

Sound Level Meter

Sound level meters used for documenting EVPs

Sound Meter

Analog sound meters used on ghost hunts

Sound Pressure Meter

Sound pressure meters used on ghost hunts


Oscilloscopes used by paranormal investigators

Light Meter

Light meters used by paranormal researchers

Ultraviolet Light Meter

Ultraviolet light meters used on paranormal investigations

Carbon Monoxide Meter

Carbon monoxied meter used by ghost hunters

Radio Frequency

Field Strength Meter

Radio frequency field strength meter for ghost hunting

Motion Detector

Motion detectors secure a ghost hunting location

Motion Sensors

Motion sensors used by ghost hunters

Radiation Meter

Radiation meter used on paranormal investigations


Tachometers or vibration sensors for ghost hunting

Air Ion Counter

Air ion counters used by paranormal investigators

Internationally renowned Legend Tripper Noah Voss

The Legend Trippers Journal

String Level

String level used for monitoring house jacking

Bubble Level

Bubble levels used on gravity hills


Stethoscope used on haunted house investigations

Metal Detector

Metal dectors used investigating ghost towns


Salt used on metaphysical investigations

Baby Powder

Baby powder or talc used on historic ghost hunts



Want to learn more?  Simply click on any of the above items to learn more!


We thought it should be said that this is a fairly extensive ghost hunting gear list used by professional paranormal investigators that have been able to commit many years and many moneys to push their passion to the fullest extent they felt necessary.  Now that being said everything on this list is not for everyone.  We do not want people to feel overwhelmed or under equipped to the point where they don't even try to pursue their passion of the paranormal.  One can have many a successful investigations into the unknown with none or all of the ghost hunting equipment listed here.  For all of those ghost hunters who may now have all of this equipment and more, at one point they started with nothing.  Above all else make sure you take your scientific, open and objective safety conscious self into the field and you should always come away with something beneficial. 



We will continually be adding information to the above item as resources permit.  We have started creating some additional knowledge centers on paranormal investigating equipment in general and for the EMF meter.  We have included some links below to start you on your way.  The EMF topic is just to big to capsulate into one single page.  Below are some editorials that range from our personal rants on industry issues, to more scholarly scientific journal type entries, to that of a simple opinion editorial.  We highly recommend that you start at the top and finish in that order at the bottom!  Enjoy:


Complete List of Articles


Definition- Paranormal Investigator

Paranormal Investigating Equipment 101

EMF Meters 101


Paranormal Investigating Equipment 102


'Electromagnetic field' meter Comparison Table


EMF Meters 102


EMF Meters 103


The Magnetic Anomaly Detection System

Many more to come

Exploratory scientific investigator could perhaps be a more accurate title for how we view a true paranormal investigator.  We see using the equipment listed on going something like this: Take readings in your investigation location, establish a normal baseline over an extended period of time, watch data for anomalies over another extended period of time, create testable theories around average and anomalous data that could support reported experiences, test those theories.  That's it folks.  There are specific theories already in existence that require specialized equipment to test.  One such theory discussed in great detail on is the MADS project.



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 Oh No Zombies Board Game

UFO Wisconsin - A Progress Report by Noah Voss

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 It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown Board Game 

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Kecksburg UFOs!


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The Legend Trippers Journal

"Entertaining and Funny while remaining Frank and Informative...dare I say enlightening!"

Internationally renowned Legend Tripper Noah Voss

Thee Paranormal Travel Adventure blog

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